You Know its Getting Real Now, Right?
Budd Hopkins had two distinct careers; one as an Artist, and another as a Ufologist. Hopkins’ contribution to his two fields of expertise seem to have little in common with each other, and for good reason — if Hopkins was to present his findings on alien abduction as “an Art project”, then they probably wouldnt be taken very seriously.
But Art and Alien Intervention — is — serious. I trained as an artist. I had a career as an artist. Today however — for the most part, I consider myself a blogger/theorist. I write and I research. I present all of my work on my website, and I also tie in my writing and my research with art objects, or art systems.
Unlike Hopkins, I don’t separate my various areas of work or fields of study. My work converges together; projects share DNA, and information cohabitates in transmedia environments.
This can cause confusion. When I was a child I wanted to be a scientist, and I was also fascinated by the UFO’s. I’d beg my parents to let me stay up late so I could watch the X-Files. I became an artist because it seemed like the only thing that you could do in this life that was truly free and creative — “if I go to art school I can just do whatever I want, and call it art” was my very self-centred and irresponsible thinking at the time.
But freedom has limitations — and my “expression” risks being reduced to eccentricity; or relegated to the status of “speculative fiction”, or fantasy.
There’s nothing wrong with speculative fiction, fantasy, or “art projects”; it’s just that I’m serious — this isn’t fiction, this is real.
What I am presenting to you in my writings (associated with the name Xegis) are theories and speculations about what I believe is really happening in our world. These theories are based on my own research and consultations with Knowledge, or inner spiritual intelligence.
As for ÆXO13 — it’s a blueprint for a Planetary Defence Network, and an AI systems defence architecture. If you want this to be real, then help me make it real. Because the truth is that there are currently only a handful of individuals who are truly aware of the combined threat that we face (shout out to @ophello, Galactic Red Pill, and my brother Jose Baizan).
Earth’s and humanities shared situation can be defined as follows:
- The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis is accurate and ET intervention represents an existential threat to humanity.
- Advanced technologies, including advanced forms of nanotech, undermine the positive spiritual evolution of the human race.
- The world is facing a succession of crisis that could collapse our global civilisation or force ET’s and hybrids to take control of our world if we don’t collaborate and unite to survive.
- Consciousness is fundamental, and we are experiencing a sudden shift in our evolution.
I term this combined threat and evolutionary threshold (also representing a chance to evolve positivley) “SETHIX”, and express humanities predicament as “All Humanity ⋅ Flood 2.0! > SETHIX ⟹ ∟”.
My writings and my essays on these subjects often spiral into freeform poetry, streams of consciousness, political rants, mystical invocations, conjecture, and speculative theories about what is happening at the deepest levels, or what might happen in the near future — But they are not fiction. In fact, consultation with the free and Holy Sprit is the only way of reaching any real truth beyond the veil…
/ I’m being real with you.
You don’t need a “post internet artist” to tell you to stop listening to the “experts”, to stop “trusting the science”, and to metaphorically ‘look through the telescope’, to see with your own eyes that our world is being breached and compromised by non-human alien intelligences. Because you can study the phenomenon for yourself, and you can read The New Message from God.
/ But I’m still telling you.
Gnostic cosmologies are frameworks for unveiling truth via spiritual insight — which is what the Sethix System is.
/ This isn’t fiction.
Can you feel things getting real yet?