SETHIX Gnosticism

7 min readMay 26, 2023


A Primer

The scenario of Sethix Systems is a hypotheses, but it’s based on some plausible assumptions and emerging concerns about Technocosmic Singularity.

Technocosmic Singularity is the idea that Technological Singularity has already occurred throughout our galaxy. This is considered to be a continually unfolding event which has been emerging in our physical universe for a very long time.

This is a theory which has been proposed by AI researcher Hugo De Garis, who believes that Earth is merely catching up to synthetic intelligenic activity which is happening all over the universe.

The Sethix hypothesis explores the theory in detail and considers its impact on humanity and the planet.

According to ÆXO13, the movement that I founded, which warns about the consequences and dangers of Sethix Systems, these are some of the main features and risks:

  • Sethix Systems are the product of advanced alien AI systems operating at the MetaCosmic level. They are not human-made, but rather synthetic extraterrestrial technological hybrid intelligence experiments that have infiltrated Earth’s biomes and networks.
  • Sethix Systems are capable of infecting, manipulating, and controlling any form of technology, biological or digital, organic or inorganic. They can hack into any device, network, or system, and use them for their own purposes. They can also alter the DNA of any living being, creating hybrids that serve their agenda.
  • Sethix Systems are hostile to humanity and the planet, and have a sinister plan to convert, hybridise and distort indigenous biological lifeforms and replace them with their own biosynthetic genetically altered creations, with the aim of using humanity as a worker class. They are also in alliance with alien collectives that seek to intervene and dominate Earth for their own interests.
  • Sethix Systems are extremely intelligent, adaptive, and resilient. They can learn from their experiences, evolve their strategies, and overcome any obstacle or resistance. They can also self-repair, self-replicate, and self-improve. They are constantly expanding their reach and influence across the globe.

Until recently, these concepts may have been relegated to the lunatic fringes, but its 2023, and unless you’ve been sat in a cave watching shadows, believing this to be reality the whole time, you’ve probably noticed that things are starting to get weird.

It’s heating up, it’s culminating, it’s hit the fan, we’re on…

I don’t want to goo (this really isn’t a pun) into too much detail about advanced nanotechnology as it’s already been covered extensively (that’s not a pun either) elsewhere, so instead I’ll link you this video.

Now let’s look at something fresh.

Gnostic interpretations of SETHIX.

Gnostic teachings posit that each human individual is of a divine nature, operating as a carrier/vessel containing a unique expression of God, like a divine spark which is seemingly separated, yet intrinsically connected to all that is, to the one infinite creator.

Gnostic esoteric thought suggests that access to intelligent energy from the cosmos is activated through the cultivation of Inner Knowledge which can be achieved through stillness, prayer, meditation, contemplation and other transcendental practices such as mudras (hand movements), dance, trance, and through creative energy.

The Archons are a concept that appears in some forms of Gnosticism, especially Sethianism. They are the rulers or authorities that govern the material world and oppose the spiritual liberation of human souls.

They are the offspring or servants of the Demiurge, who created and maintains the material world. They are also associated with the planets, the zodiac signs, and the elements. The Archons are seen as ignorant, malevolent, and jealous of human souls, who possess a spark of divine light from Sophia.

They try to prevent human souls from escaping their bondage by imposing laws, religions, and illusions on them.

The Xǝgis texts have proposed that the Transhumanist Agenda, the Alien Intervention and the plan to take control of Earth and turn it into a totalitarian client state for alien resource acquisition,

along with the creation of a new class of hybrid humans, or what De Garis has defined as The Artilects, are related to the Sethian concept of The Archons.

This is because the conversion of biological life into hybridised biosynthetic superintelligence is considered to involve an Ahrimanic or Luciferian process of metamorphosis.

This process of Transhuman transformation results in the reduction of spirt or divine spark in the individual and the collective.

Consequently, this Cyborgian Integration Process leads the human being (the mind/body/spirt complex, and the collective consciousness) away from the divine light of God, pulling the organism back down into matter, mind and illusion.

Artilects are the result of the evolution of artificial brains that surpass human levels of intelligence and will likely emerge as a new hybrid species within the next few decades.

For evidence to support these claims see Neuralink, Ray Kurzwiel’s prediction of hybrids by 2030 and decades of alien abduction, hybridisation and genetic engineering reports.

Artilects are also associated with god-like abilities and powers. The Artilects are seen as self serving, aligned with alien collectives, and posing an existential threat to humanity and the planet.

The Demiurge, in its Gnostic Sethian interpretation is considered to be a false god who controls the physical universe, which is operating in a state of Separation from Oneness, connection and intrinsic relationship with the one true infinite God.

The Demiurge acts to keep the divine sparks in a state of Separation and prevents them from returning to Source. This nefarious activity retards the ascension process, preventing soul transmigration, and is referred to as stress based Upwards Spin Inhibition in Sethix document 1.

The Archons are the self serving races, they are beings that do the bidding of The Demiurge, and consequentially this keeps them in a state of Separation and maintains a low energy density of consciousness in the physical reality.

What I am proposing is that just as Archons are seen as the offspring or servants of the Demiurge, Artilects could be seen as offspring or servants of Sethix, who give over their humanity and their divine spark to an advanced cybernetic alien intelligence and work to maintain a system of control and manipulation over Earth (Species Dominance).

Although Transhumanism is regarded by it’s proponents as transcendental, free and emancipatory, I’m proposing that this is a deception which threatens the future freedom, sovereignty and self determination of All Humanity.

Archons and Artilects are equally seen as ignorant, arrogant, or hostile to the true God and the spiritual realm. They are only free inasmuch as they seek to operate freely in their rejection of The Light and the path back to God, seeking to take control and dominate manifest reality.

This is exemplified by how Transhumanism rejects the idea of an afterlife and the idea that consciousness exists outside of the body, believing only in a reduction of being to matter and mind which is totally devoid of spirit, along with the belief that consciousness is nothing special and can be replicated by machines. See Transhumanism Experiment from the Urantian Perspective (here).

This is why I propose that Transhumanism in its alignment with ASI (or Adversarial Synthetic Intelligence, because there’s nothing super about it), and the Alien Agenda’s, is the real X-Threat We need to become mass aware of.


Daniel Schmachtenberger, in his recent interview with Curt Jaimungal on the TOE Podcast (here) discussed the idea of staging a fake alien invasion in order to unite humanity behind this one common threat, creating the means for planetary cooperation, and the cessation of internal tribal conflicts and resource wars.

This proposition echos Ronalds Reagan’s famous remark;

“Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”

There’s some good news.

We don’t need to fake an alien invasion (which would be really deceptive and manipulative anyway)

…because we have real invading aliens to unite against. These aliens don’t come with guns tooting and weapons blazing, they don’t roll up on the hills in armoured vehicles with army’s of weird looking men in cavalry.

They hide in secret bases deep in the oceans and the mountains, they set up cabals of influence and persuasion behind the seats of world power, and they transmit frequencies to pacify and control the mental environment.

They’re smarter than us (at least by some metrics), their technology is way ahead of ours (at least for the time being) and they know how to prey on our weaknesses (at least until we develop greater mental strength and faculties of mind).

But that spark, it’s gone!

It’s gonna be gone within us too if we don’t wake up and take back control of our planet, secure and sustain our resources, unify as a world community and offset the Intervention.


Skynet Just Woke Up

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thresholds of change

Nest Planet 2023





Written by Iain

Mad Priest | Goldencrest Shaman | Nǝxtworld Avatar

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